Kinetic Sprint

So on Mother's Day I took on Kinetic Sprint.  I try to do this race every year and I love it.  I always camp the night before and enjoy the weekend.  I had a goal this year of breaking 1:30 and it was totally possible except for just getting back from London.  I usually come back dehydrated from traveling but I tried to avoid that. 

Amanda and I went down on Saturday afternoon with Callie and set up the tent and got a short ride in.  Dinner with Team Z was fun as always and got me ready for the next day.  It was an early to bed so we could wake up at sunrise (because that is when Callie wakes up).  I of course didn't sleep well because it was hot so I was thrilled to get up and start the day.

The first race of the season is always fun to try to remember everything.  Set up transition successfully and even remembered to shift into the easy gear on my bike since you start uphill.  Callie was cute because she was super excited to see me each time I went back to the team tent.  Euge was amazing and watched her while I was racing.

Swim: 13:20

Uneventful swim with calm waters.  I was the last wave so I ran into a lot of people but overall felt good about it.  I could have pushed more but that is stuff you forget when you don't race for a year.

T1:  2:45

I suck at getting the wetsuit off so that took most of the time.

Bike: 45:41

I really wanted to push and enjoy the ride.  Again starting in the last wave meant I was able to chase down so many people. I pushed just enough to leave energy for the run.  Very happy with my bike.

T2: 1:28

Would have been faster if I didn't go back for a salt tab but it was worth it with the heat.  I really wish I didn't sweat and lose as much salt as I do.

Run: 27:28

The run starts up a hill and my legs were not feeling that at all.  I don't know if I pushed too hard on the bike or if the traveling was finally catching up but I did walk a little bit up the hill.  I kept trying to push myself but it just didn't happen.  I did start running and never stopped and kept picking up the pace.  I was happy to hit around 9 min miles so early in the season.  Also nice that my cardio shape was not my limiter, but my legs were just tired. 

Finish: 1:30:42

So close to sub 1:30 but not bad considering I spent the week before in London. I won Athena and enjoyed the race.  I also beat last year's time which was nice.

On to Jamestown International this weekend where I am hoping to qualify for Age Group Nationals.  I just need to finish in the top 1/3 of my age group since it is a regional qualifier.  I think I am ready on the swim and bike but I had slacked a bit on distance for running.  I have been focusing on speed so hopefully that will help.  The temp isn't looking too bad either so I might have a chance.

I love race season.  Also no more long training swims for the Bay Bridge which makes my day!