
Showing posts from August, 2015

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Swim Race Report

Yes I realize I did this months ago but I am finally getting around the writing it. I will hopefully be swimming tomorrow for the first time since the Bay Bridge swim so it seems appropriate to write this before swimming again. It was an early morning since Jen and Bobby were picking me up at 7. We made great timing there so we had about 3 hours to rest and do nothing since the race started at noon. I hate races that don't start first thing in the morning because then you need to figure out food, what to do with the day, etc. They time the race so it works with the tides and current though so I guess I appreciate the slightly easier swim. View for 3 hours before the race...yes it seems to disappear in the distance Overhead view of the whole 4.4 miles We luckily found a small shaded area (which became less shaded as the morning went on) and tried to relax. We had a large Team Z group doing this so we had company. I wasn't actually nervous which was surprising. I kne

Weekend with Dad

So dad was out in Annapolis for work this week so he came down to spend the weekend with me. I knew we were going to wineries which is always fun and I was hoping to get him out running since he is doing the Disney half with me. I did convince him to run twice this weekend! I have a 2.6 mile loop around the neighborhood that was perfect. We took Callie on Saturday and after realizing she shouldn't lead (after almost taking out my dad), we let my dad lead. He set the pace at 10 min miles and we all kept pace. Callie is a wonderful runner once she settles in and she becomes focused and determined. This run didn't seem to bother her at all. Dad and I also survived without too much knee pain, which was great. Sundays run was a little slower and dog less. Callie was exhausted from Saturday's events, so she didn't seem up to a run. Dad set the pace again and we went a little slower. He wanted to try to learn how to run at a slower than 10 min pace and we determined he can.

Question Everything

So I have started to question everything in my life which is possibly a good thing in the long run. Am I in the right job? What would I rather do? What makes me happy in life? Why does my knee still hurt sometimes and should I still be running? Will I lose friends if I give up running? What will I fill my time with? Yes some of these are deep and others just question my health. The job question is not one to chat about right now. The knee problem one is a big one right now. I have been doing ok at my marathon training, which was really a 5k training plan to start since the marathon is so far off. I have been hitting my times at the track but going much slower on long runs. My run on Sunday was supposed to be 8-10 miles with the second half faster than the first. Melissa and I started off and aimed for ten minute miles so we could drop time. She is recovering from injury and we figured starting slow was good. My knee started acting up from the beginning which is hasn't done in aw