
Showing posts from 2015

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Swim Race Report

Yes I realize I did this months ago but I am finally getting around the writing it. I will hopefully be swimming tomorrow for the first time since the Bay Bridge swim so it seems appropriate to write this before swimming again. It was an early morning since Jen and Bobby were picking me up at 7. We made great timing there so we had about 3 hours to rest and do nothing since the race started at noon. I hate races that don't start first thing in the morning because then you need to figure out food, what to do with the day, etc. They time the race so it works with the tides and current though so I guess I appreciate the slightly easier swim. View for 3 hours before the race...yes it seems to disappear in the distance Overhead view of the whole 4.4 miles We luckily found a small shaded area (which became less shaded as the morning went on) and tried to relax. We had a large Team Z group doing this so we had company. I wasn't actually nervous which was surprising. I kne

Weekend with Dad

So dad was out in Annapolis for work this week so he came down to spend the weekend with me. I knew we were going to wineries which is always fun and I was hoping to get him out running since he is doing the Disney half with me. I did convince him to run twice this weekend! I have a 2.6 mile loop around the neighborhood that was perfect. We took Callie on Saturday and after realizing she shouldn't lead (after almost taking out my dad), we let my dad lead. He set the pace at 10 min miles and we all kept pace. Callie is a wonderful runner once she settles in and she becomes focused and determined. This run didn't seem to bother her at all. Dad and I also survived without too much knee pain, which was great. Sundays run was a little slower and dog less. Callie was exhausted from Saturday's events, so she didn't seem up to a run. Dad set the pace again and we went a little slower. He wanted to try to learn how to run at a slower than 10 min pace and we determined he can.

Question Everything

So I have started to question everything in my life which is possibly a good thing in the long run. Am I in the right job? What would I rather do? What makes me happy in life? Why does my knee still hurt sometimes and should I still be running? Will I lose friends if I give up running? What will I fill my time with? Yes some of these are deep and others just question my health. The job question is not one to chat about right now. The knee problem one is a big one right now. I have been doing ok at my marathon training, which was really a 5k training plan to start since the marathon is so far off. I have been hitting my times at the track but going much slower on long runs. My run on Sunday was supposed to be 8-10 miles with the second half faster than the first. Melissa and I started off and aimed for ten minute miles so we could drop time. She is recovering from injury and we figured starting slow was good. My knee started acting up from the beginning which is hasn't done in aw

Jamestown International Race Report

So I am so far behind on race report but I will try to fix that. So I signed up for Jamestown International for the entire goal of qualifying for age group nationals.  I was going down solo which is a first in a long time that I haven't done a race with friends or my team.  I hadn't been run training much since I was swimming so often so I wasn't sure what to expect. I had intentions of training enough for this race but of course, that fell through.  On top of the lack of training, it was gonna be a hot race.  I drove down the night before the race and enjoyed Noodles for dinner and Dairy Queen for dessert and then tried to head to bed early. Race morning was nice weather and I got there pretty early just so I didn't have to worry about parking. Sadly there isn't much to do at the race site when you don't know anyone.  I set up transition and went back to the car to hang out and listen to music. I realize how much I love team races and having so many friends

Kinetic Sprint

So on Mother's Day I took on Kinetic Sprint.  I try to do this race every year and I love it.  I always camp the night before and enjoy the weekend.  I had a goal this year of breaking 1:30 and it was totally possible except for just getting back from London.  I usually come back dehydrated from traveling but I tried to avoid that.  Amanda and I went down on Saturday afternoon with Callie and set up the tent and got a short ride in.  Dinner with Team Z was fun as always and got me ready for the next day.  It was an early to bed so we could wake up at sunrise (because that is when Callie wakes up).  I of course didn't sleep well because it was hot so I was thrilled to get up and start the day. The first race of the season is always fun to try to remember everything.  Set up transition successfully and even remembered to shift into the easy gear on my bike since you start uphill.  Callie was cute because she was super excited to see me each time I went back to the team tent.

Long Time

Hey all, It has been awhile since I wrote but so much has happened.  Somehow I let my life get crazy busy and I usually love it.  So what has happened since Disney. Had Lasik done!  Greatest thing ever to see all the time.  Amazing how many positions Callie sleeps in during the night.  Strangest surgery but so worth it. Also swimming knowing that I won't lose my contacts is pretty great. Ran a 10k in DC for Alum Run and kept around a 9:30 min mile pace.  By the way, that is great considering I hadn't been speed training Hiked Old Rag and Billy Goat trails.  I have finally hit the key hikes in VA and want to keep exploring.  I love it! Decided to sign up for a marathon in November with Jen with the goal of breaking 4 hours.  This will be hard for this normally 10 min miler but I am ready to get "fast" with my hopefully 9:09 pace. Built my first garden.  So much more on this hopefully once it starts producing but I am so excited.  Embracing my yard this year and

Universal and Magic Kingdom!

So finishing the wrap up of our fun post half marathon adventures. Day 3: Universal Studios We were all excited to see both Harry Potter worlds. I was very excited to see the new one in Universal Studios since I had been to Hogsmeade before. We had slight issues getting into the park since 4 of us forgot to print tickets.  Despite what their website says, you need a paper copy to get into the park. Good reminder for next time. Once we got into the park, we ran right to the new Harry Potter portion of the park and the new Gringott's bank ride. After 45 minutes of waiting in line, the ride broke down. So we definitely weren't off to a good start. We decided to enjoy the Diagon Alley area and some got their butterbeers (I don't like butterscotch so I passed). I am very impressed that both Harry Potter areas are done so well. It really does feel like you are going into the movies. Sadly they are crazy busy so that does take some of the joy away. After exploring a bit, we to


A lot of my friends raced half or full marathons this weekend and many hit PRs. It made me start thinking about what I want this season. My knee is feeling the best it has in three years so I have high goals. I want to finally achieve the speed I have wanted for years. My swim is getting faster since I have been swimming so much for the Bay Swim. My run is feeling comfortable and thanks to Callie, I am getting faster. I am getting faster each week. I finally went on a bike ride today and enjoyed it. It has been months since I have been biking so it was nice to be smiling while riding through horrible winds. So I finally feel like I can put together a good race.  Kinetic Sprint: remember how to enjoy racing. Also it would be great to run the 5k under 27 minutes  Jamestown International: qualify for age group nationals. I only have to finish in the top third and I think I can do it. Gotta keep training hard Bay Swim: finish under 3 hours This gets me to July and I will se

Celebrating at Disney! Hollywood Studios and Epcot

Race is over so time to celebrate!  We had planned ahead on the parks and booked FastPasses.  Post race on Sunday, we went back to the hotel, cleaned up and got some breakfast.  Then off to Hollywood Studios!   This is a park with the least amount of rides and the most shows so we didn't have to worry about the limited time in the park and we had plenty of chances to sit and enjoy the shows. It was also not very crowded which was a huge plus.  Immediately we found the Memory Pass camera guys and got pictures...gotta document this trip.  We also found several characters so we jumped in line for Goofy.  He stole Jo's medal and wore it on his nose.  It was entertaining.  After that we hit several rides, using our Fast Passes well.  I hadn't been to this park in at least 6 years so it was nice to go again.  I still love Tower of Terror (Hiram probably not so much...see picture below).  Rock N' Roller coaster is still great but the best discovery of the day was definitely