
So I finally joined Pinterest this week despite my wanting to hold out. Why was I holding out? I knew it would be a time suck and I have already proven myself right.

What I have also discovered are so wonderful recipes to try and house ideas. I now want more organization in my kitchen and have an idea for window treatments. Seems like perfect projects for dreary winter days.

Recipe wise, Pinterest is incredible. I am going to make freezer breakfast bites to try this week and some healthier meals throughout the week. Trying to be healthier in 2015.

Also half marathon training is in full swing. Callie and I ran 7 miles yesterday and it felt good. I am still slow but keep reminding myself that I am still in recovery mode from surgery. Princess half is for me to introduce two friends to half marathons and get through it injury free so I can enjoy 4 days of parks!

So much fun in the next month and bring on snow!