Building miles

I am happy to say my knee is feeling better everyday! On Saturday, I learned how to aqua jog and speed walk. Aqua jogging was hard but fun and will provide a great workout instead of Wednesday track. I will start logging long miles speed walking to prep for the marathon that I probably will have to walk.

On Sunday, the day was slightly off but it was still a successful day. I planned to ride 90 hilly miles with my Ironman teammates to build miles and confidence. I didn't hit 90 but not because of my knee. At mile 35 of my ride, a friend went down hard and needed to go to the hospital to be treated. I decided to take her. She is fine other than extreme road rash and I am very glad I could be there to support her. I returned to the ride and finished another 32 miles.

Overall, I was hoping this weekend would make me confident about my abilities to go the distance but that can happen in two weekends. My friends always take priority over training. I also did gain confidence since I biked 64 miles with no knee pain or swelling.

This week I am out in Denver til Thursday and then home to see my family and go to a volleyball teammates wedding. I am so excited! I live Denver so far and being able to see two friends while out here is ever better.

I will enjoy my "recovery" week and then jump back into full training next week.

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