Ironman Training Weekend

Yes, I still do not have power so I am relaxing at Ruby Tuesday to get some air, charge my phone, and get some food. But moving on and still hoping to have air tomorrow.

Last weekend was the Ironman Wisconsin training weekend. I was planning to drive out to Madison with my team and ride 100 miles and run 16 miles. Obviously I did not make it to Madison. However, I did go on my longest ride since surgery. I took on 29 miles of rolling hills. It felt pretty good. My knee definitely was sore and tired after but it felt ok today so that is a good sign. I averaged 15 mph. This speed is not bad, but it is a huge step back from where I was pre-surgery. I knew I wouldn't come back as strong as before but it is hard since I spent the last year getting fast on the bike and run.

It is such a different experience this year with my injury. Last year I bonded with my Ironman teammates at long runs and rides. This year, I am not even sure who is doing it. They are suffering through long miles and crazy heat while I biked for two hours and was tired. Last year, I was already thinking about what time I could get in the race, this year I am praying I finish.

I am trying to keep my head up and do what I can do. I am going to learn how to a aqua jog so my run won't suck. I am slowly adding miles to my bike. My swim is getting so much stronger since I am learning how to pull only with my arms. Still I miss my long rides and swearing at our tiredness with my teammates. I miss eating everything in sight after a long bike. People call us crazy for training as much as we do but it becomes something we love and crave.

Hopefully I will still get to know my fellow Ironman teammates and will be able to start joining them. Who knows, maybe by September my bike average will be up to 17 or 18 mph and maybe I will be running. Right now I have to try to stay positive and do whatever I can.

Thanks for everyones support. I still can't wait to September but for very different reasons.