Chesapeake Bay Bridge Swim Race Report

Yes I realize I did this months ago but I am finally getting around the writing it. I will hopefully be swimming tomorrow for the first time since the Bay Bridge swim so it seems appropriate to write this before swimming again.

It was an early morning since Jen and Bobby were picking me up at 7. We made great timing there so we had about 3 hours to rest and do nothing since the race started at noon. I hate races that don't start first thing in the morning because then you need to figure out food, what to do with the day, etc. They time the race so it works with the tides and current though so I guess I appreciate the slightly easier swim.

View for 3 hours before the race...yes it seems to disappear in the distance
Overhead view of the whole 4.4 miles
We luckily found a small shaded area (which became less shaded as the morning went on) and tried to relax. We had a large Team Z group doing this so we had company. I wasn't actually nervous which was surprising. I knew I could finish and I wasn't worried about time. This was a bucket list swim to cross off, never do again, and just finishing was my goal. I did know that I had been averaging around 32 min a mile in training but figured I would be much slower.

Team Z crew
Me and the bridge
It was finally time for the  pre-swim meeting. Once that finished, time to put on my wetsuit and go for a swim. It is really hard to get a wetsuit on while sweating profusely, but I did manage. There are two waves and not knowing my time, I went in the first one. There are a lot of people in that wave and as soon as the swim started, my goal was to push ahead of the majority. I took off a little fast but once I hit the bridge (you start on the beach), I settled down and found my space. The currents push you to the right during the first half so you try to stay to the left and must stay between the bridges.

Beginning of race on way to bridge

Yes it is long
Very cool...although you can't see the shore.

The view from under the bridges was pretty cool. You really don't need to sight but I did because it was pretty. The whole reason for doing the swim was the unique opportunity to swim under the bridge so I wanted to enjoy it. The first mile wasn't bad. The current picked up around mile one though and it definitely pushed you to the right. I had to angle so I was swimming at around a 45 degree angle instead of straight down the middle. It was crazy but I managed.

The food boats were at miles 2 and 3 and I hadn't decided if I would use them. I decided around mile 1 that I needed to look for them. It was a super hot day and I was in a wetsuit which added to the heat. My mouth was dry so I needed water and that would allow me to take a gel too. I reached mile 2 just after an hour and was amazed. I was making really good time and I felt good. By mile 3's boat, I was still making good time but wasn't enjoying it as much anymore. I kept telling myself to enjoy the view (which did help, but not enough). I actually found my mood depended on the water temp. The water was warm and I don't do well with heat. There were cold spots though and I enjoyed the swim during this time. I didn't find my mind wandering as much as it did in the pool. I mostly stayed focused on my form and watching people and the bridge.

Mile 4 - the end was not fun. I kept waiting for the current to change direction as the race claimed but I never noticed it. Mile 4 seemed to last along time as you finally see the shore but it doesn't come up fast enough. The water was much warmer in this area and people were not spread out anymore since we were turning outside the bridge. You turn out of the bridge area round mile 4 and the last .4 is to the shore. The water is shallow (you can walk) and hot! The current seems to push you back out and it was horrible. I promised that I would not walk because that is slower. Looking back, I could have been just as fast walking. The only hope during that time is knowing you are almost done. I finished and you have to run through the finish. I think mine was a slow run. I was thrilled to see under 2:30 but now that I was standing, I felt horrible. My stomach hated me so I got my post swim goodies and found the closest spot in the grass to lay down. I think the mix of the long swim, lack of food and water, and heat got to me. I used the firefighter hose shower to cool down and mostly laid around for 2 hours while everyone else finished.

Overall, it was fun but I will not do it again. I didn't enjoy the long training swims and it made me mostly hate swimming. I am happy to cross it off my bucket list though and enjoyed the view from under the bridge.