
Showing posts from July, 2012

Building miles

I am happy to say my knee is feeling better everyday! On Saturday, I learned how to aqua jog and speed walk. Aqua jogging was hard but fun and will provide a great workout instead of Wednesday track. I will start logging long miles speed walking to prep for the marathon that I probably will have to walk. On Sunday, the day was slightly off but it was still a successful day. I planned to ride 90 hilly miles with my Ironman teammates to build miles and confidence. I didn't hit 90 but not because of my knee. At mile 35 of my ride, a friend went down hard and needed to go to the hospital to be treated. I decided to take her. She is fine other than extreme road rash and I am very glad I could be there to support her. I returned to the ride and finished another 32 miles. Overall, I was hoping this weekend would make me confident about my abilities to go the distance but that can happen in two weekends. My friends always take priority over training. I also did gain confidence since I

Musselman Race Report

So the thing I love about races is the race weekend.  Team Z goes big on race weekend so I made it a 4 day weekend filled with fun.  We traveled up to Geneva, NY (about 6.5-7 hour drive) for a sprint on Saturday (about 10 teammates did this including my roommate) and a half Ironman on Sunday (85 teammates did this).  I cannot run still so I did the aquavelo race (1.2 mile swim and 56 mile bike).  These weekends are so much fun to see all my friends and cheer people on.  We stay together, laugh a lot, and enjoy our sport.  So of course, I was looking forward to this and it didn't disappoint.  I drove up with Bob and Jen and I don't think I could have had more fun on a car ride.  We were super loopy and had so much fun  catching up on life, laughing at signs in PA, and more.  I stayed with 6 teammates in an non-air conditioned townhouse but despite the heat, we had a great time.  Have I mentioned how much I love my team!  Way to go everyone that competed and survived the heat on

Cleared for Fun

Hi everyone, I know it has been awhile since I have posted and a lot has happened since then.  I have reflected on my summer so far and it hasn't been my best.  In the last two-ish months, I have had knee surgery, lost power during a heat wave for 4 days, found out my car is really broken, started shopping for a new car, continued rehabbing my knee, and trying to stay positive while things around me seem to fall apart. So...I will hopefully have posts to come about a lot of the above, but more importantly, I finally went to the Dr for my check-up.  He is super impressed with my knee and the progress.  I am only two degrees shy of having my full range of motion back.  He was testing the strength and motion and was asking when my next event is (Yes I am the crazy tri girl to him).  Well funny thing is my next event is this weekend!  Yes I am doing the Musselman AquaVelo race.  I was signed up for the 1/2 Ironman but of course I can't run and won't walk 13.1 miles so I g

Ironman Training Weekend

Yes, I still do not have power so I am relaxing at Ruby Tuesday to get some air, charge my phone, and get some food. But moving on and still hoping to have air tomorrow. Last weekend was the Ironman Wisconsin training weekend. I was planning to drive out to Madison with my team and ride 100 miles and run 16 miles. Obviously I did not make it to Madison. However, I did go on my longest ride since surgery. I took on 29 miles of rolling hills. It felt pretty good. My knee definitely was sore and tired after but it felt ok today so that is a good sign. I averaged 15 mph. This speed is not bad, but it is a huge step back from where I was pre-surgery. I knew I wouldn't come back as strong as before but it is hard since I spent the last year getting fast on the bike and run. It is such a different experience this year with my injury. Last year I bonded with my Ironman teammates at long runs and rides. This year, I am not even sure who is doing it. They are suffering through long miles

Bring back the power

So if you have watched the news at all, I am sure you have heard that DC has 1.5 million without power. Now most I those people have power back, sadly I do not. We lost power around 11pm on Friday because of an hour of crazy storms. My roommates and I enjoyed watching the storm but never would have guessed it would cause this much damage. It has been a very busy week and weekend though. All I can think about though is how much longer without air? It is 84 degrees at my house! Oh and I am dog sitting so I have been extremely worried about her. Hope everyone else is having a better weekend!