Bad A$$ Chicks!

It was Luray weekend!  Luray is a local race with an olympic distance race on Saturday and a sprint distance on Sunday.  It is also a huge Team Z race and so much fun.  We had over 100 people competing and many doing both races.

I had decided back in March to use this "recovery" weekend and not race the full olympic distance but to form an amazing female relay team.  Kate was the swimmer, I was the biker, and Whitney was the runner.  Amazingly in March, we planned to kill this race, but our training didn't quite work out that way.  Kate hasn't been in the pool for at least a month, I had knee surgery, and Whit is training for a marathon (distance, not speed).  We really had no idea how this would turn out, but we WON!  Kate had a great swim and Whit killed the 10k.  I had a goal of averaging 19 mph on a hilly 25.6 miles and ended up with 18.8 mph.  I was happy and even had to pull back occasionally because of some slight knee pain.  We were very satisfied and were given awesome wine glasses to celebrate!
Bad A$$ Chicks taking gold (or wine glasses)

I was trying to be as tall as them!  Love these girls!
Now as my last post said, I don't have enough miles in the Ironman Wisconsin bank.  So once I got my award with my team, I went out and rode the course again with Jen and Holly.  So I got a little of 50 hilly miles in the bank.

As for the "run", I got up at 5:45 this morning to walk 10.5 miles before cheering on my teammates.  Walking is pretty boring in case you haven't tried it for 2.5 hours.  Around mile 8, I again was tired, but was able to push though it and up a really big hill.  I ended the walk feeling much better than last week and speed was much faster too.  My knee is sore now but oh well, I am not expecting miracles.

This weekend was about more than training though.  It is the last big Team Z race of the year.  It is always a big party and we all have way too much fun.  Just some awesome events that took place.

  • Amanda, Jen, and I getting stuck in the bathroom with all our gear in the pouring rain and not knowing how to get to the tent with our pillows dry.  Amanda and Jen found a solution to that problem.    
Lets stuff them in our jackets!
Well done ladies!
  • Pie Man Bob's amazing fruit crisps
  • Annual Team Z flip cup
  • Not sleeping because of people snoring, playing music, dogs barking, etc
  • Team Z costumed water stations
So much fun!