Not finishing isn't failure

So I apologize in advance.  I am not a negative person, but I have been for the last two months.  I have worked my butt off to prove I can finish this race, but my mind has yet to believe it.  This weekend didn't help my mental stability.

I decided to skip the team run on Saturday (since watching all your teammates run off isn't a lot of fun) and opted to walk my half marathon from my front door.  I wasn't sure what to expect since the weekend before caused my body to be so sore.  I started very fast and feeling well again, but around mile 8, my legs were once again gone.  I had walked 2.5 miles in one direction on the path, turned around and then walked 3.5 miles in the other direction from my house.  I walked in the direction of my old apartment.  The last 7-8 miles were hilly and my body started to rebel.  Both knees were feeling off, my legs were refusing to move.  I went from 12:15 min miles to 15 and that was a struggle.  I almost gave up several times but realized that I had to get home somehow.  There is no way I could double that distance on Saturday.

My 13.1 mile walk.  As you can tell, my pace gets progressively slower.
Mentally, it sucks to know you are so far behind.  13 miles hurt and that was without a swim and bike beforehand.  I have determined that there is a good chance I will not finish this Ironman.  I think I need to come to terms with this thought.  I am not someone to fail, but I have to realize my first goal in this race is to keep my knee somewhat healthy.  I do not want surgery again because a race isn't worth it.  I know I will have all the support I need to finish, but my body may not cooperate.  As I told my mom, I am basically taking someone that hasn't run in 3 months and making them complete a marathon in less than a month and a half.  Anyone would say that is stupid and I would agree.  My knee hurt pretty bad after the walk (think 2 weeks post-surgery pain) so I didn't know what to expect on Sunday.

Sunday I went to the group ride at Skyline Drive.  This is basically a big mountain that you bike (or drive if you are sane) up.  I expected instant knee pain, but luckily that didn't happen.  You average 6 mph on the bike climbing and then fly down the opposite direction.  The views are amazing though! I have lost all cardio shape so I take a long time to climb hills now.  Good news...I can still climb even if it is slow.  Bad news...we only did 40 miles (half of which was downhill and not pedaling).  I still have only one ride over 56 miles so yet again I am behind.

Beautiful view just before we turned around to head down the mountain.

My speed and the elevation for the Skyline Climb.  Yes it was about 2500 ft in climbing and you can definitely tell when I am going up hill and downhill from my speed.
I have tried to stay positive and truly believe that I can finish this race.  This weekend proved that I shouldn't set my entire goal to finishing because my body can only do so much 3.5 months after surgery.  I will continue to work hard until the race but I have slowly accepted that it might not be in the books for me.  I apologize to anyone that has dealt with me during my negative attitude time.  The great news is that I should be back to myself in 25 days once the race is over.