I love Hains Point!

So most of you have no idea what Hains Point is.  Hains Point is a loop of just over 3 miles in DC that is a biker's haven.  There are three stop signs and very little car traffic.  My team rides there every Thursday.  I used to go race Kendra and Mike around the loop at speeds up to 25-28 mph (not sustained but still hit those speeds).  Well I have now biked there twice this week!  My PT gave me permission to go bike but to take it easy.  I actually got to ride with the team on Thursday (I got there 4 minutes late due to PT though and missed the group start).  I decided my first ride back should be on my own anyway.  My goal was at least one loop and see how I felt about a second loop.

Hains Point! 

I felt like a kid in a candy store. My smile while biking was huge and all I could think is that I love Hains Point and biking!  It is right along the Potomac River so I took everything in.  The water, the boats, the golfers (golf course in the middle of the loop), the peloton of fast bikers.  The first loop felt great and I hadn't hit my time limit yet so I went for a second loop.  I did some single leg drills to keep my left leg in shape during the second loop.  I definitely was ready to get off the bike by the end of the second loop.  Overall, I averaged 13.5 mph on the ride.  This isn't great for me but was one of my best rides.  Amazing how tired my leg was after 6.5 miles.

I celebrated my birthday on Friday so I gave my knee the day off.  My friend Jen took me out to lunch and a movie while everyone else was at work.  Best breakfast food ever is definitely chocolate banana french toast.  Basically they pour fondue chocolate on top of delicious french toast (ask my mom and dad cause they have had it too).  After a delicious lunch, I went back to childhood traditions and saw the new Disney Pixar film Brave.  It was a fun Pixar movie which I highly suggest seeing.

I finished the day celebrating with some teammates over wine, cheese, and bread.  Oh and of course I made cupcakes.  Friday's cupcakes were chocolate peanut butter pretzel cupcakes.  I think everyone liked them and would highly suggest trying these.

Amazing birthday and thanks to everyone for the bday wishes!

I did say two bikes rides at Hains at the top though so of course, I returned there today for 3 loops!  My legs felt fresh today since I didn't have PT so I figured I would give it a try.  3 loops felt great.  Sadly my watch died on me before I even got there, but it was nice to just ride.

Have I mentioned how happy I am to be back on the BIKE!!!